SmartCue Changelog

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© 2024 SmartCue Changelog
Jun 01, 2024

🌟 New Feature

Showcase Commenting and Collaboration πŸ’¬

Introducing Seamless Collaboration: Gather feedback and collaborate effortlessly within SmartCue showcases, eliminating the need for external platforms or screenshot sharing.

Access Control by User Roles:

Guests: View and comment on specific showcases shared with them.

Viewers: View and comment on all showcases within the organization.

Editors: View, comment on all showcases, and access the builder.

Ready to enhance your collaboration process? Check out our detailed article for helpful tips, and click below for a quick guide on how to get started.

Discover How

Enhancements ✨

A Fresh Look at Share Modal 🎨

We made it easier for you to share your work with others - both internal and external! ✨

πŸ‘€ Take a Glimpse

Apr 30, 2024

🌟 New Feature

Email Collection πŸ“§ & Access Control πŸ”’

Capture emails and leads while controlling access via password, specific domains, and emails for your showcases.

Learn More

🎨 Enhancements

  • Audit Logs: πŸ“ Enhanced audit logs to provide better visibility and tracking of organizational activities.

🐞 Bug Squashes

  • Fixed issue where clicking on an embedded showcase opened in a new tab instead of the same tab.
  • Resolved problem where copying πŸ“‹ the showcase link while previewing did not function.
  • Fixed issue where CTAs in outro highlight and footer were not duplicated on duplicating a showcase.
  • Fixed display bug where SmartCue logo appeared despite organization logo being added in showcase preview.
  • Corrected issue where creating a new showcase via manual upload resulted in an extra highlight being created.
Mar 31, 2024

🎨 Enhancements

  • Streamlined Login Experience πŸšͺYou can now automatically return to your last active organization upon logging in, simplifying the process and reducing confusion. πŸšͺ
  • You can now automatically return to your last active organization upon logging in, simplifying the process and reducing confusion. πŸšͺ
  • Streamlined Highlight Creation πŸ“ΈOptimized performance with a new limit of up to 5 images per highlight creation, ensuring a smoother user experience. ✨
  • Optimized performance with a new limit of up to 5 images per highlight creation, ensuring a smoother user experience. ✨
  • Enhanced Bulk Deletion πŸ—‘οΈStay secure while cleaning up! Receive a confirmation message when deleting multiple steps, preventing accidental deletions and ensuring peace of mind. πŸ”’
  • Stay secure while cleaning up! Receive a confirmation message when deleting multiple steps, preventing accidental deletions and ensuring peace of mind. πŸ”’
  • Simplified Email Gating Flow πŸ“§Access showcases with ease! Our improved email gating flow now requires fewer steps after submitting your email, making the process faster and simpler. πŸ“©
  • Access showcases with ease! Our improved email gating flow now requires fewer steps after submitting your email, making the process faster and simpler. πŸ“©

🐞 Bug Squashes

  • Resolved extension error for capturing 100+ highlights 🐞
  • Fixed missing intro modal issue during showcase export πŸš€
  • Highlights sorting order corrected to prevent scrambling πŸ”
  • Users can now smoothly return to the first highlight during showcase previews ↩️
  • Hubspot button visibility enhanced; no more scrolling needed to submit details. πŸ“Ž
  • CTA editing and addition functionality restored for users encountering issues.
  • Internet connection error messages resolved for uninterrupted user experience 🚫
Feb 29, 2024

🌟 New Features

πŸ”‘ Enhanced Privacy: Email Gating!

  • Safeguard your showcases with passcodes or share them selectively with specific emails/domains for added privacy.

See It In Action

πŸ—‚οΈ Showcase Organization Made Simple!

  • Easily manage your showcases by organizing them into folders, ensuring quick access and efficient workflow.

See How

🎨 Enhancements

Share the SmartCue Love! πŸ’Œ

  • Introducing our new landing page feature, making it easier than ever to refer friends to SmartCue. Start spreading the word now!

Refer Now πŸš€

🐞 Bug Squashes

  • HubSpot Bugs- Resolved issues with forms being cut off in mobile view and form title not updating in showcase preview.
  • Thumbnail and preview image mismatch resolved when duplicating or replacing showcases.
Jan 31, 2024

🌟 New Features

Capture Leads with HubSpot πŸš€

  • Enhance your SmartCue showcases by seamlessly embedding HubSpot Forms. Transform viewer engagement into valuable leads effortlessly.

See It In Action

🎨 Enhancements

Hide Outro Highlights πŸ•ΆοΈ

  • Conceal your outros effortlessly! Choose not to display outros/CTAs with this new feature.

Embed Optimization πŸš€

  • Boosted performance for showcases embedded on websites. Experience seamless embedding!

Theme Preview 🎨

  • Witness real-time color changes under the Theme tab. Customize with confidence!

Text Visibility πŸ“œ

  • Say goodbye to text cutoffs in PDFs, videos, and GIFs. Now, view lengthy text in the bottom bar. Read without limits!

🐞 Bug Squashes

  • Fixed a glitch with SEO settings causing the viewer title to reset.
  • Resolved mobile view issues with showcases not displaying on button click.
Dec 31, 2023

🌟 New Features

SEO Tailored for You 🎯

  • Set SEO titles, descriptions, and tags for your showcase and see your website shine in Google's algo! Just click on the Title on the top left πŸ˜‰

Multi-select highlights

  • No more having to delete highlights one-by-one. Select a bunch and hit delete. Done!

Improved Embedding ⚑️

  • Showcases load faster when embedded. You can see the difference for yourself using Page Speed Insights on Google!

Effortless Editing with Autosave πŸ”„

  • Don't worry anymore about losing your hard work! Autosave ensures your builder changes are preserved without lifting a finger.

One-Tap Reset with DiscardπŸ—‘οΈ

  • Hit the discard button for instant highlights reset. Capture, discard, and continue your showcase effortlessly without leaving your flow.

Refer & Earn πŸŽ‰

  • Unlock rewards of $1000+ by inviting colleagues and peers. Your unique referral link is ready. Just click on the 🎁 icon and you'll find your link! πŸ™Œ

Watch in Action

Your Showcase, Your Formats πŸš€

  • Transform your showcases! Export in PDFs, videos, and gifs to share your magic in multiple formats.

See it in Action

SmartCue Learning Hub πŸ“š

  • Explore interactive guides on how to use SmartCue for a seamless and efficient experience.

Onboard with Ease 🌊

  • Embark on your journey effortlessly with our redesigned onboarding flow – designed for you, with you in mind.

🎨 Enhancements

Pocket-Friendly Perfection 🌈

  • Your mobile experience just got an upgrade – smoother, faster, and optimized for pure joy!

Easy Moves, Clear Blur! 🌟

  • We flipped Move and Blur for simpler editing. Try it out and see!

Export Enhancements ✨

  • Get export status emails and access showcases directly from your inbox πŸ“§β€“ no more waiting!
  • Download GIFs directly to your device for quick and easy access.
  • Keep track with a progress bar for reliable knowledge of the export process, complete with real-time updates πŸ•.
  • Now, cancel downloading 🚫 exports anytime, anywhere – putting you in control of your export experience.

Simplified Sharing, Exporting, and Publishing UI 🎨

  • Revamped the user interface for Share, Export, and Publish features, making them more user-friendly and intuitive. Experience a fresh look for smoother navigation!πŸš€πŸ–ŒοΈ

Introducing 'Alt Text' for highlight images πŸ“Έ

  • When images don't load, enjoy clarity with descriptive alternative text for a seamless experience.πŸ–ΌοΈ
Oct 31, 2023

🌟 New Features

Global CTAs and Personas🌍

  • Create them once, and use them everywhere. Delete one, and it's gone from all related showcases.

Zoom & Scroll Organization LogoπŸ“·

  • Get the perfect placement! Now, effortlessly zoom and reposition your organization logo with ease.

Watch here

Paragraph Breaks in Textbox πŸ“

  • Enhance readability! Introduce paragraph breaks in your text descriptions for better content structuring.

🎨 Enhancements

Simplified Outro CTA Creation πŸš€

  • Now, just provide the button label, not the title, when adding a new CTA to your outro highlights. Streamline the process for a smoother experience.

Enhanced Actions Experience πŸš€

  • We've revamped the action bar placement making it easier and more convenient to access essential options like edit and delete highlights, and replace images. Enjoy a more user-friendly experience at the center!

See in Action

Swift Google Sign-Up

  • Experience a smoother and faster Google sign-up process. It's quicker than ever before!

🐞 Bug Squashes

  • Color Picker Quirk: Selecting colors isn't as smooth as it should be.
  • Ownership Transfer Prompt: Viewer role no longer triggers unnecessary ownership transfer requests.
  • Image Inconsistency: Thumbnails and Center panel images are out of sync.
  • Image Compression Bug: Highlights display compressed images as PNG instead of WebP.
  • Billing Inbox Issue: Billing emails now consistently land in your inbox.
  • Footer Text Bug: The SmartCue logo doesn't appear when the footer is empty.
  • Edit Modal Anomalies: The edit modal experiences blurriness and shortcut issues.
  • Missing Color Palette: The color palette mysteriously vanished from the Theme section.
  • Tooltip Trouble: Tooltips linger when users move away from options in the edit modal.
  • Image Replacement Glitch: Users are unable to replace highlight images in the builder.
  • Pricing Plan Discrepancy: A mismatch in pricing plans between the Homepage and Settings page for logged-in users.
Aug 31, 2023

🌟 New Features

Undo & Redo Magic πŸͺ„:

  • Say oops and fix it! Undo or redo up to 5 actions using the buttons or by pressing Ctrl+Z and Ctrl+Shift+Z.

Mobile UI Glow-up πŸ“±:

  • Our mobile experience just got a facelift. Stay tuned, we're not done impressing you yet!​3. "Delete Organization" functionality is now present in the organization tab

Organize Organizations 🏒:

  • Delete Organization: Boot out those old and unwanted organizations right from the Settings tab.
  • Join Organization: Get prompted to join based on your domain. Admins can toggle the auto-join feature.​

🎨 Enhancements

Showcase Navigation πŸ–±οΈ:

  • Slide through highlights using forward/backward arrows, hotspots, or even your keyboard!

"What is Showcase?" Tooltip πŸ€”:

  • Curious about showcases? Get educated with our friendly banner (which you can dismiss anytime).

Neat & Tidy Lists πŸ“‹:

  • We’ve lined things up for a cleaner look!

Highlight Placement ✨:

  • Add a highlight right where you want it. No more scrolling surprises!

🐞 Bug Squashes

  • Role Limit Loophole: Can't sneakily change roles to get unlimited Editors anymore!
  • Outro Highlight Overflow: The Right Editing Panel is back in its place.
  • Typo in Embed Code: Bye-bye missing spaces and " ".
  • Intro & Outro Descriptions: Create showcases with screenshots and then update them with ease.
  • Embedded Demo Exit: Escape! Just hit the escape key to exit.
  • Testimonial Text on Loader: Sign in without distractions.
  • Image Blur Quality: No more pixelated images after blurring. Stay sharp!
  • Adding Highlights after a Form: The + button is back in action.
  • Edit Image Button: It's not playing hide and seek anymore.
  • Share Button on Showcase: Sharing is caring and now easier than ever.
  • SmartCue Extension Loading: Immediate loading for smoother experiences.
  • Persona Designation Display: It won't show if you remove the input field.
  • CTA Label Update: Clearer instructions with "Create New Organization".
  • Website Embedding Whitespace: No more embedding issues due to those pesky spaces.
Jun 30, 2023


  • Made it easier for first time users to navigate the product by highlighting key actions and reducing clicks needed to get started.
  • Improved the experience of actions under intro, highlight and outro slides by standardizing icons and behavior across all slide types.
  • Brought consistency to the menu by showing all options but disabling irrelevant ones to streamline the options for each slide type.
  • Explained why menu options are grayed out when a user hovers over them with a tooltip to reduce confusion.
  • Ensured actions under slides are organized consistently from left to right for a predictable user experience.
  • Added 2 more CTAs - phone number and email to provide more click-to-action options for customers.
  • Made 'Description' and 'CTA' in persona section optional and added tooltips to clarify their purpose.
  • Added a dismissable tooltip at the top of the Showcase page explaining what Showcases are for new users.
  • Implemented a referral program to help customers grow by word-of-mouth.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed incorrect average time shown in Analytics which was not calculating accurately.
  • Resolved an issue allowing unlimited editors despite user plan restrictions by capping editor roles per plan.
  • Fixed the overflowing right panel on the Outro with sections not visible, aligning and resizing for a consistent view.